In the previous chapter you learned how to set up EWA with your EVE API credentials so that EWA can be used.
This chapter will guide you through the remaining tabs in the Options screen and explain how they affect EWA's behaviour/appearance. These settings are application settings, meaning they affect all accounts and characters. As of now, EWA doesn't support per account/per character settings. But perhaps one day, who knows ...
Depending on how many transactions or journal entries your character or corporation produces (and your system's hardware, of course), the loading times of the Wallet Transaction and Wallet Journal screens could potentially take some time. The first setting in this tab lets you specify how many days worth of data EWA will load, if you open the Wallet Transaction or Wallet Journal screen. Don't confuse this with the data EWA downloads from the EVE API. EWA always downloads all available API data. This option just deals with the data EWA has already downloaded and with which it will populate the affected screens (Wallet Transactions and Wallet Journal, that is).
The number of days you enter here is the number of days EWA will go back from today and show transactions/journal entries for. For example, if today is Friday, the 10th and you put "1" in there, EWA will show data from Thursday, 09th, 00:00:00 h to Friday 10th, 23:59:59 h (all times are EVE times) every time a Wallet Transaction and a Wallet Journal window is loaded. Once the window is open the date range can be changed there.
To understand what this option does, you first need to understand how EVE handles market transactions for characters and corporations. Experienced traders might skip this part, pod pilots new to trading might find this interesting.
Once you're the CEO or a director of a corp or someone has granted you the role Corp Trader, you're able to sell/purchase items off the market in the name (and with the money) of your corporation. This is done via the standard EVE market interface. Given the prerequisits above, your sell/buy dialogue has an additional check box, stating "for your corporation". If you check this, this transaction will take the money/send the money from this transaction to the corp wallet (your active corp wallet division, to be precise) rather than to your own wallet. If you purchase items off the market for your corp, these items will not drop into your personal hangar at the station the item was listed in the market. Items purchased for your corp will instead end up in a "post box" called "Deliveries" in said station. You or one of your corp mates might pick it up from there. Keep in mind, once you took something out of Deliveries, you can't put it back in there.
So, you sold some loot from your corp's hangar or bought some POS fuel for your corp's POS. In other words: you created a wallet transaction. But although you did so in the name of your corp, these transactions show up in your personal wallet transactions, too. In EVE you can distinguish them from your personal transactions by their different color. The EVE API flags those corp transactions/wallet entries, too. The problem you might face, is: although such deals don't impact your personal wallet, if EWA would just treat them as wallet entries, the amount shown in the Total columns might be heavily screwed. You sell personal goods for 5 million ISK and corp loot for 500 million ISK. EWA would total that as 505 million.
These three options let you decide how EWA should treat personal/corporation data, when importing data from the API. Either get everything that's there or just import personal data or just import corporation data.
Two money sinks in EVE Online are broker fees and sales tax. Remember, when you created your EWA account and added your chars, you set up your skill levels for Accounting and Broker Relations there. This is the place where those skills come into effect.
The verb "estimate" is used for a reason here. Currently the EVE API does not provide a way to clearly link a broker fee from your wallet journal to the related transaction. Add to that, that the broker fee is also influenced by your standing towards the corporation and the faction of the station in which a transaction takes place. Depending on your trading style, these might be hunderds of NPC corporations you're dealing with. If you're interested in the complete formula (as far as it could be figured out by the player community), have a look here.
But wait - there's more. A broker fee is only applied to your transaction, if you set up a market buy or sell order. Think of this like a RL bank broker. You tell him "Sell my Blizzard shares for 20 bucks. And buy CCP shares for 36 bucks." Your broker will now offer your Blizzard shares either until someone else is willing to pay this price or your offer expires. In return for his service, the broker collects a fee. Same with the CCP shares you'd like to purchase. The broker will keep looking for someone who's willing to sell you his shares for the amount you offered.
Now say you watched the NASDAQ for a week. Blizzard shares keep falling, because, you know, their once famous and glorious World of Warcraft is plagued with bugs since its last content update (something which could never happen with CCP). You realize that you need to adjust your sell offer, otherwise you'll never get rid off your shares in time. On the other hand, with the release of Dust514, EVE Online - and therefore CCP's shares - reach one high after the other. You need to get in before the shares become too expensive. You pick up your phone again, call your broker and adjust your orders. "Sell the Blizzard shares for 10, buy CCP at 42", you order him. Delisting and relisting your offers with the new price tags will again cost you a small fee. Just like if you change one of your market orders.
If you do not need the services of a broker - that's like in EVE you're buying/selling directly from/to the available market offers - no broker fee is applied to your transactions ... which makes it even more complicated for 3rd party applications like EWA to figure out the correct broker fees, as there's no indication anywhere in the EVE API which indicates if a transactions happened through a market order or through a direct buy/sell.
Faced with this dilemma, I decided to take the lazy way out. Treat all transactions as if they're orders and apply the broker fee to all of them. It also doesn't take standings into account. All that means: if this option is activated, EWA might deduct broker fees from transactions where no broker fee should have applied. It also will overestimate the broker fee a bit most of the time, as it doesn't take your standings into account. It's up to you (and your trading style) to decide if it makes sense to use this option. Change it as you see fit on the fly, as EWA calculates the fees on the fly and doesn't change the underlying data.
By the way, each skill level in Broker Relations reduces the broker fee - which is 1% - by 5%. At level 5, you're paying 0.75% broker fee instead of 1% without the skill.
The skill Accounting affects the sales tax. A sales tax is always applied to any item you sell in the market. The sales tax is 1%. Each skill level in Accounting reduces the sales tax by 10%. Accounting level 5 gives you a 50% reduction in sales tax to be paid. In other words: you just pay a sales tax of 0.5% instead of 1%. While this may sound like pocket change at first, over time this sums up quite nicely. It may also make the difference between being able to compete with other traders or not.
As with the broker fee, this is calculated on the fly.
The different results:
![]() Broker fees and sales tax applied |
![]() Sales tax applied |
![]() Broker fee applied |
![]() Without fees |
Unlike other APIs (i.e. wallet transaction, wallet journal) where one can "walk" the data backwards and stop querying new data if enough is received, market orders are served by CCP in one big block. And this includes market orders that have either long been fullfilled or expired a long time ago. The file from the API includes thousands of entries. Processing all of them of course takes its time. If you're only interested in your currently active market orders, activate this option. While the API still serves all market orders, EWA will filter out all but the active orders and just process (and store) those. This speeds up things a lot.
Please note: in order for market alerts (see below) to function, you need to disable this option.
EWA can help you in keeping your orders up to date by notifying you of any expired/fullfilled market orders. If EWA encounters such an order, it places it in the tab "Order Alerts" in the Quick briefing window.
More about order alerts later.
This section lets you set the default for how EWA evaluates your assets.
There are not many sources out there from which you could retrieve prices for items in your assets. Two of the few, which offer an API to retrieve prices from, are EVE Central and EVE Marketdata (which in fact uses EVE Central as its raw source). And, of course, there are your own trades, conveniantally stored in EWA. When estimating the value of your assets, the settings you choose here are the defaults used. As with most of EWA's options, these defaults can be changed in the related window by selecting a different option.
As for which type of price to use: totally up to you. The most realistc option is one of the Total options. Auditors might perhaps tend to use the Buy option, as it's more conservative, i.e. it rather underestimates the value of the assets. If you're unsure what's the difference between Average and Median: Wikipedia to the rescue! Basically, the Median has the advantage of eleminating very extrem values from the group of values from which the average is calculated, resulting in an average more in line with the real world.
The tab Appearance deals more or less with the visual appearance/representation of certain parts of EWA. Most/all of them should be self-explanatory. Here's what they do:
![]() Subtotal on customer enabled |
![]() Subtotal on customer disabled |
![]() Collapse/expand enabled |
![]() Collapse/expand disabled |
Here you can configure the URL to the EVE API server and tell EWA to use a proxy server.
The first line is the base URL of CCP's API server. Historically, the URL was That was the URL with which EWA was distributed from its first release. Although this URL was always configurable via EWA's INI file, EWA itself didn't provide a means for changing the URL. And while the above URL still works, CCP meanwhile changed both the URL and protocol for accessing the API. The new recommended domain to use is CCP also added SSL support for API queries and recommends using HTTPS over HTTP to access the API.
In case you're using a proxy server to access the internet in general or due to the way CCP caches EVE API data, you're using a dedicated EVE API proxy to circumvent these problems, here's the place to let EWA know about your proxy server. If you're using a proxy server, it's obvious for you what to enter here. If proxy server has no meaning to you, well - you don't need it anyway.
Here's where you configure the information presented in Quick briefing window.
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