Version 2.1.33 (DB 70, sde-20160531-TRANQUILITY-legacy)
Assets. I've implemented a new filter option, "ISK", which lets you filter out assets by their price.
Version 2.1.30 and EWAAutoData 1.0.34 (DB 68, YC-118-3_1.0_117575)
Assets/EVE Central. When retrieving price information from EVE Central, you may now specify the region (usually The Forge) for which EWA
queries the price data. The desired region can be set in Options, tab "Wallet / Assets". EWAAutoData uses the same settings.
Version 2.1.28 and EWAAutoData 1.0.32 (DB 68, YC-118-3_1.0_117575)
Asset evaluation. EWA didn't update its item price data from EC correctly, if EVE Central didn't return a XML at all.
Version 2.1.26 and EWAAutoData 1.0.31 (DB 64, Frostline)
Removed the what now seems to be defunct calls to EVE Markedtdata for fetching item prices.
Version 2.1.24 (DB 61, Galatea)
Wallet transactions. Upon the request of an EWA user, I've added a new filter option "Vendor" to the wallet transactions. This filter doesn't make much sense for a single trader, though.
But for the corporate transactions, this lets you filter on the corp member who did the actual transaction(s).
Item charts. The charts window now also respects the setting for enabling/disabling the "Client" filter, resulting in a minor loading speed gain when the client filter is disabled.
Version 2.1.23 (DB 59, Carnyx)
Quick briefing. The wallet transaction amounts now also apply broker fees and/or sales taxes as set in "Options". This is to cause less confusion as to why the daily sums
(plain wallet transactions) in Quick briefing wouldn't match the sums (broker fees and sales taxes applied as defined in Options) of the same day in the Wallet transactions window.
Assets. The Assets window received a new grid column, "Date/Time". The date shown there indicates when the item's value was retrieved from the selected data source (EVE Central, EVE Market data).
Version 2.1.21 (DB 58, Mosaic)
Wallet transactions. Default sorting: changed the default sorting from basically item -> client name (descending) to item -> transaction date (descending).
Options, "Wallet / Assets", Wallet transactions, Most profitable items. Added a new option, located under "Wallet / Assets", titled Disable client filter. Enabling this option prevents the client filter from being populated with all client names and speeds up loading times for the Wallet transactions and Most profitable items window noticably.
Most profitable items. While I was there, I changed the default sort order from Avg. margin % to Total profit.
Version 2.1.19 (DB 55)
Wallet journal: When omitting a character API key, wallet journal entries for corporation weren't downloaded.
Wallet journal: due to the above bug, subsequently the wallet journal window crashed (error 364), when there were
no journal entries present.
API keys: handle NULL values in numeric fields (keyID). This is a leftover from the invention of CCP's new API keys.
Version 2.1.7 (DB 47)
Market orders: fixed an API quirk where API generated for All Chars won't download market data, because no character was
referenced by EWA's API query. Funnily enough, other API calls don't complain about this ...
EWAAutoData (v1.0.27) now remembers its last window positon.
Version 2.1.4 (DB 44)
Retrieving API data. On some machines, retrieving any XML file from EVE's API failed due to EWA being not able to compute a
hash for the API's URL. The computed hash is used and needed to implement proper API caching as per CCP's terms. This has been fixed.
Cached XML files export. The export of the selected XML file didn't work anymore. Fixed.
Wallet transactions. Fixed a bug or rather circumvented a language limitation where certain filters would not be preselected
with the default value "" when the number of populated entries reached a certain number (integer overflow).
Wallet transactions. Data from ignored wallet transactions will no longer be presented as valid filter options.
Cached XML files. Improved the loading speed of the cached XML files a bit. I also reworked the window itself to become
non-blocking and resizable.
Version 2.1.3 (DB 43)
Database update(s). Yay! I managed to terribly f*** up the database update mechanism. This release restores it to the old
working state.
Version 2.1.2 (DB 43)
New feature
Journal balance report. Located in 'Wallet -> Balance sheet -> Journal balance report', this one is a combination of
'Wallet Journal' and 'Balance sheet by wallet journal'. It's aim is to provide a summary of certain activities like the balance sheet
does, yet give the details that the wallet journal provides. The filter options have therefore been reduced to journal type
(Agent Mission Reward, Broker Fees etc.) and date range. This feature might be used e.g. for a report on missing running income of your
corporation's members (Hi Dark Klotz!).
Market alerts. The number of market alerts displayed in the statusbar was wrong.
Item details. The value for "Last sell (month)" was always calculated without fees, not honoring the tax/fee
estimation settings of the program options. This has been fixed.
Menu 'Edit -> Copy to clipboard (formatted)'. The number of columns was calculated incorrecty sometimes, resulting in
a mal-formatted table.
Ignoring ignored wallet transactions. EWA allows to suppress (ignore) certain wallet transactions from the wallet transaction view,
e.g. to take items for your own consumption out of the equotation. Having flagged transactions as ignored there now carries over
to 'Wallet -> Balance sheets -> By wallet transaction'.
Version 2.1.1 (DB 42)
New feature
Copy to clipboard (formatted). As hinted in the previous version, this new feature - located in the menu
'Edit' -> 'Copy to clipboard (formatted)' - might be of use to you if you have the need to publish sales
figures, i.e. as part of share holder/bond investor reports.
Balance sheet (transactions). When trying to create a balance by single items, no report was created at all. Instead,
an error message appeared in the application log hinting at me being stupid again. This has been fixed and reports
by single items should work again.
Wallet transactions. A tooltip with the sales tax (if availabe) for that sale will be shown when the mouse pointer
hovers over one of the columns 'Price' or 'Total'.
I've reworked the XML caching a bit, using different means to identify still valid cache files.
Version 2.1.0
New feature
Most profitable items: Another "why didn't I do that earlier?"-feature. Located in 'Wallet' ->
'Statistics' -> 'Most proftable items' you'll find a way to generate a report of item profits. The result can be
sorted by 'Avg. margin %', 'Avg. margin' and 'Total profit'. This window is a mixture of wallet transactions (filter options)
and item details (resulting figures).
The filter 'Minimum volume' deserves special mention, as its aim is to eliminate 'bogus data' from the report.
Calculating a profit for an item where only purchases or sales have happened (within the range of the filters), doesn't
really provide insightful profit margins. Setting this value to at least 1 ensures that at least one item was bought
and sold within the filter result set.
(Sneak preview) Copy to clipboard (formatted): This is a work in progress, as you can see. It currently just
creates a basic HTML table from a grid. The already visible but currently disabled options give you an impression from
what to expect from this new feature, once it's fully implemented. It's designed to work with (almost) all grids, so
the resulting HTML table might look nicer for one grid, say 'Item details', than for another like 'Wallet journal'. To
use this feature, open the desired form, set filters, retrieve the data and use the menu 'Edit' -> 'Copy to clipboard
Order alerts: Active orders would show up as an alert, which of course wasn't intented. Also, some DB table issues
prevented the order alerts to work for existing EWA installations.
Wallet journals: Special characters such as umlauts in the column 'Reason' are shown correctly.
As already done in various other places, values in the 'Item details' tab include (where appropriate) sales tax and broker
fees estimations as configured in the EWA' options.
Item details: Ignored transactions (Wallet Transactions -> 'Mark as ignored') are now both surpressed from the item
selection combobox and ignored from the calculation.
Menu 'Wallet': While I normally despise 'random' UI changes which might break a user's habits, I thought this time around
- with the addition of some new features and me scratching my head where to best located them in the menu - it would make
sense to rearrange the menu items in this menu.
Version 2.0.29
New feature
Order alerts: I've added a new tab to the Quick briefing window, entitled "Order Alerts". It shows all fullfilled
(volume remaining = 0) market orders. Those that you most likely might want to restock right away. To stop being
reminded about that order (aka delete the alert), right-click the alert and select Acknowledge alert from the
popup menu. There's also an option to acknowledge all alerts.
While the same information could be retrieved by setting the appropriate filters from the market order windows, this might
be a quicker way to see which of your orders need to be treated with. Please note: in order for this
feature to work, you have to uncheck Import active market orders only on the tab 'Wallet / Assets' in EWA's options.
The grid's appearance can be configured in 'Extras->Options', tab 'Appearance'. Select which order types (buy or sell) should
raise an alert in tab 'Wallet / Assets' (yeah, I know, strange label ...)
Wallet Transactions: To my embarassement, I've discovered a long existing bug, introduced with version 2.0.25, when CCP
changed certain data types. This bug resulted in some transactions not being recognized, thus not being imported.
If you're using EWAAutoData alongside with EWA, make sure to update it, too. - Item values: Since I've unsub'ed form EVE more than two years ago, EVE marketdata changed its API calls,
therefore EWA was no longer able to update item values from that source. This version brings back this data.
Market orders: the column Volume may now provide visual feedback of an order's fullfillment state. To enable this feature,
go to 'Extras->Options', tab 'Appearance' and configure 'Color order fullfilled indicator' with the color of your choice.
(Why didn't I think of this earlier?!?)
Assets: when updating item values for your assets, EWA's statusbar now provides a bit more visual feedback of what's going on
'behind the scenes' when retrieving item prices from EVE Central/EVE Marketdata.
Updated all API calls to prevent unnecessary HTTP 403 ("Permission denied") errors for API calls/key with insufficent rights.
Version 2.0.28
With the Inferno expansion, CCP changed the base value of sales tax on market transactions from 1% to 1.5%. The release
implements this change.
You might notice the missing 2.0.27 release. This was an interim release which was never made available to the public, so
there isn't anything you missed out.
Version 2.0.26
Assets: The new assets API now includes a flag which allows to differentiate between BPOs and BPCs. EWA will
add a trailing "(Copie)" in the assets window for BPCs.
CCP introduces a new API key system. This EWA and EWAAutoData releases are build to work with the new API key system.
Version 2.0.25
Updated EWA, EWAAutoData and the database to accomodate the API datatype changes that were introduced with the Incarna expansion.
Status bar notifications. I've rewritten notification when an API entry is processed. Previously EWA would count from 0 to 2560
(max no. of entries available from the API for *one* query) and restart at 0 (to 2560), if the API would provide more data for you.
This caused some irritations for users as it looked as if EWA has gone in an endless loop, whereas in reality it was working just
fine (processing the second, third ... batch of 2560 records), but "communicated" that fact poorly. Now EWA counts from
0 'til <last API entry> upwards.
Version 2.0.24
New feature
Wallet transactions. You may now set certain transactions to be ignored from the grid's popup menu. This lets you filter out
purchases/sales done for yourself (like PLEX for playtime) which should not be taken into account by EWA. Though the
underlaying record is still kept in the database, it won't show up in any calculation anywhere any longer. Please note that
the related wallet journal entries remain active/visible.
There's also a new option available in the wallet transaction window: "Show ignored". Check this option to show you
ignored transactions (within the filter settings). This option is mainly implemented so that you can reintegrate a previously
ignored transaction into your profit calculations.
Reseting all ignored transactions. Accompanying the above feature, EWA supports a new command line switch to reset
all previsously ignored transactions: /WTResetIgnored. Simply start EWA once with that switch
(i.e. C:\Program Files\BasicAware\EVEWalletAware\EVEWalletAware.exe /WTResetIgnored) and all transactions
will have their ignore flag removed.
Database access on Vista/Windows 7. A reoccuring nightmare ... errhh ... topic. I once again tried to catch the error under
Vista/Windows 7 where EWA can't access/find its database. In that case EWA should prompt you for the database location.
EWA's database was updated for the above mentioned new feature to version 21. You need to update both the application and the database.
Version 2.0.23
New feature
Account status. Hovering the mouse over the character name in the main window will show you some information about your (EVE)
account: when it expires, when it was created (both in your local time), who many times you logged into EVE (this probably
includes forum logins, too) and how much time you spent playing.
Wallet transactions. Due to a change to the wallet transactions API, the download and processing of the wallet transactions
data resultesd in an endless loop.
Item values. EVE Marketdata changed the needed parameters to receive item prices, which resulted in EWA not being able
to receive prices from it. This has been fixed.
Wallet journal. The Incursion 1.4 patch increased the max. possible number of wallet journal entries which can be retrieved
with one call to the API. EWA has been changed to take advantage of this.
Wallet transactions. The wallet transactions API has been changed to behave like the wallet journal API (change in
parameter names and rows returned). This change has been implemented, too. This change was supposed to be backwards compatible,
but it doesn't seem to be the case.
EWAAutoData has been updated to version 1.0.18 to reflect the above API changes.
Version 2.0.22
Database maintenace. As suggested by a user, an option was added to delete all (user) data from within EWA. This basically
resets EWA to a state equal to a fresh install.
The possibility to edit the URL to CCP's API server has been added to the Options dialog. It's located under
"API/proxy server". This is done in preparation of the (most likely mandatory) switch to SSL-secured API
communication. Although this value was configurable in EWA's config file right from the start, EWA itself didn't
provide a way to edit the API URL up until now. The API already allows secure (SSL) communication, so I encourage every
EWA user to change the API URL to
Startup procedure/DB location. In case EWA can't access its database at the default location, the user is now prompted for
the correct database file. This should help with Windows versions >= Vista where due to the OS' folder virtualisation
the installer seems to write the wrong database location to EWA's INI file.
The installer has been changed to include EWAAutoData allow the optional installation of it.
Version 2.0.21
Wallet transactions, wallet journal, market orders. A new option "Disable subtotals" has been added. This option
enables/disables all automatic subtotals in the grids (and removes the according rows from it). This might be usefull if
you wish to export the data to Excel and want to work on it in there without having to manually remove the subtotals from
the Excel sheet.
Item details. Reduced the minimum enforced height of this window.
Configuration file (EVEWalletAware.ini) can be passed by command line with the option
/config=<complete path to a valid configuration file>, i.e. /config = C:\MyConfigs\EVEWalletAware.ini. This option
works for both EWA and EWAAutoData.
Added values for asset evaluation. Please note that currently EVE Marketdata only delivers - quote:
"the 'best guess' price of an item, if you just want the price for an item for a killboard, etc then this is the fastest
way to get it. How it's calculated: Take the average price of a simulated buy of 5% of the entire market. Updated daily at downtime."
EWAAutoData (version 1.0.16) has also been updated to reflect the above mentioned additions (config file via command line and Make sure you're using the /config command line switch with both applications,
otherwise your data will not be updated properly.
Version 2.0.20
Wallet transactions. When selling to yourself, EWA and EWAAutoData treated one of the two resulting transactions as an invalid
duplicate. This has been fixed.
EWAAutoData/character selection. Orphane characters in EWA's database caused the new version to throw an error.
Version 2.0.19
With the release of Incursion 1.1, the wallet journal API changed. This version of EWA takes care of this.
Balance sheet by transactions. The balance sheet has been expanded with the following columns: volume buy/sell,
average price buy/sell, average profit absolute/percent.
Market orders. In order to speed up API data download/processing, a new option has been added to EWA to process
active market orders only. If activated, EWA and EWAAutoData ignore market orders with an orderState other than 'active'.
Navigate to Extras -> Options, tab "Wallet / Assets" and enable/disable "Import active market orders
EWAAutoData 1.0.14. Starting with this release, EWAAutodata lets you decide which data (personal and/or corporation) for which
characters it should download.
Version 2.0.18
In order for EWA to work with *nix based (API) proxy servers, the URL to the EVE TQ server status API has been changed
from "/Server/ServerStatus.xml.aspx" to "/server/ServerStatus.xml.aspx".
As EVE Metrics has shut down and EVE Marketdata tries to fill the gap, EWA has been modified to allow you to edit/configure
the EM URL via INI. Add/edit the following entry in EWA's INI file:
Version 2.0.17
XML file caching. Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the downloaded market orders XML file from being stored (cached) properly.
This didn't prevented EWA from processing the file, it's just that the caching didn't work.
Quick briefing. Along with sales and purchase figures, the total can be optionally plotted in the chart (tab Revenue). This is
configurable from Extras -> Options ->, tab "Quick briefing".
EWAAutoData (auto downloader). The downloader now checks if it's already running and refuses to start then.
Added a new switch to EWA's INI file. Under "General", the entry "AutoPurgeDBLog" has been added. Set this to 1 in order to
auto purge the application log table when opening the log window. This prevents that EWA's logs become larger and larger.
Added a manifest file to the setup. This should stop Vista/Windows 7 from poping up an UAC message each time you start EWA. For
an existing EWA installation, see on how to add the manifest to your installation.
Version 2.0.16
Assets. Still hadn't got that right, hopefully it's fixed now.
EWAAutoData (auto downloader). Because people seem to let the autodownloader run endlessy, its text log file became
ridiculous big, especially with the ongoing assets bug as of late. The downloader now discovers a date change,
closes the current log file and starts a new one. It then also performs the log file auto purging like it does on start up.
Version 2.0.15
Assets. Because I missed to update one method, assets management broke with the release of Tyrannis 1.2. This should be
fixed now.
Wallet journal. When transfering ISK from one character to another, the second wallet journal entry was considered
to be a duplicate, as both entries seem to share the same refID. Wallet journal entries for both characaters should
now appear in each character's wallet journal.
Version 2.0.14
Application and database updated to incorporate the official API changes due with Tyrannis 1.2 as announced
in this dev blog.
Version 2.0.13
Quick briefing. Fixed a bug introduced yesterday with version 2.0.12 where buy transactions in the Quick briefing window
were displayed as negative values (leading minus) and thus screwing the total and the graph.
Version 2.0.12
Item details. Tab "Price history", the latest buy and sell orders were swallowed by the grids. Fixed. Also added
error trapping.
Assets, Wallet transactions. The column "Price" in each "Total" row returns the average of the prices
for this item. Please note: this is an average of the column "Price" only, not an average of the transactions
(volume * price).
New feature
Save grid snapshots. First of all, the previously named menu entry File -> Save grid to file has been renamed to the more
descriptive name Export grid to file. Its functionality hasn't changed. You still can export a grid's content either as a
MS Excel or text file. I've also added a new option to the grid's popup menu, called Save grid (hence the renaming). Along
with this, there's a new acompanying menu entry File -> Open grid. What do those options do? The Save grid saves
a snapshot of the grid in a proprietary format. Any grid saved via the Save grid option can later be opened via the
Open grid option. These snapshots can be be handed out to other EWA users. "I can already do that with exporting
to Excel", you might object. You're right, but - everybody can tamper with the Excel file, whereas there's no (easy)
way to tamper with the snapshot's data, although you can also export a snapshot to Excel, if you wish to do so. I'm not sure if
someone will ever use this feature, but hey - it could be done so I did it.
Code optimisation. I've done a bit code polishing. Nothing which should affect you as a user.
EWAAutoData (auto downloader) has been updated to version 1.0.6. As it shares its code base with EWA, the code changes are
reflected in this release, too. With the last version, I introduced a nasty flickering of the desktop icons. This has been
corrected. In addition to the data EWAAutoData alreday retrieved, it now grabs data for (player build) outposts and
EVE API descriptions from the EVE API. I also tried to make it a bit more responsive while processing data. Not sure if I
succeeded with that, though.
Version 2.0.11
Quick briefing. Fixed a bug where the charts for Top Buy and Top Sell didn't refresh properly when switching between
Item details. This window received a tabbed interface. The first tab "Item details" provides all the former
information. The second tab "Price history" shows every single transactions (price, quantity) for the
selected item, separated into buy and sell transactions.
EWAAutoData (auto downloader) has been updated to version 1.0.4 + 1.0.5 (released some time ago already). In previous
versions, coporation data could have been assigned to the wrong character/corporation. Also, basic wallet information
has been added, along with updateing asset values from EVE Central and EVE Metrics.
Quick briefing. The charting components have been slightly increased in size.
Market orders. The market order windows now default to "Active" for the order state.
Source code. I've also updated the source code package available for download. It now also includes the source code
for EWAAutoData (auto updater).
Version 2.0.10
Wallet transaction. Added error handling for double clicking an empty grid row in order to show the underlaying database
record, which would result in an appliaction error before.
Quick briefing. When checking for empty cells in the daily transactions grid, I used an improper data type, which
caused an overflow on big numbers, causing the grid to appear empty.
Wallet transactions, Wallet journal, Options. Under "Wallet/Assets", it was possible to enter an insane big number
for "Show wallet transactions/journal for the last number of days", causing the application to crash when
attempting to open the wallet transactions or wallet journal window.
Balance sheet transactions. Added the column "Profit", which shows earnings/losses in percent.
Market orders. Put the column "Valid thru" infront of the column "Duration".
Assets. Still wasn't satisfied with assets presentation. Removed the column "Solarsystem". Too much redundant
rows with that, in my opinion.
The online manual (and its download) has been updated.
Version 2.0.9
Export to MS Excel. Saving a grid to Excel didn't work anymore. Instead, a tab delimited text file was created each time.
This has been fixed.
Item chart. Median has been added as an additional index option.
Wallet journal. An additional filter for "Reason" has been added. For the experts out there: you may use
SQL wildcards (%, _) in the "Reason" field for pattern matching.
Wallet journal. The column "Misc." (argName1) has been added to the grid.
Version 2.0.8
It is no longer possible to close the assets window while an update (item values, asset list) is running.
Quick briefing. I've added a column "Total" to the end of the wallet transaction and wallet journal grid.
Wallet journal. When receiving a Corporate Dividend Payment (dividend payed via game mechanics to corporate shareholders), the
distributing's corporation name doesn't show up in the "From/To" column. This is because CCP returns the corporation's name in the
wallet journal API in a different column (for whatever reason ...). I've now implemented a special treatment for this case and EWA
will show the corporation in the "From/For" column, so that you can see from whom you received the dividend payment.
Item details. Added entry "All items" as a possible option. Upon selecting this entry, EWA goes through all
of your transactions to produce the known "Item details" statistics. Of course, not all of the figures make
sense, but some are nonetheless interesting, I think.
Item details. I've got rid off the Standard Deviation rows as these (MS Access) build in functions didn't work
most of the time anyway.
Version 2.0.7
Fixed a bug in the revenue chart where if no transaction of a type took place on a day, the chart didn't draw a zero value
for that day, but skipped to the next value instead without advancing the date, too. This has been fixed. Also, the transaction
grid's cell will now be populate with a "0" for those days, whereas previously such a cell was just empty.
The setup for your virtual characters was not copied over if a new database update was available. This has been fixed.
Remember, no actual data was lost, just your virtual characters. Just created them again and you're all set.
The database has been updated to version 16, which includes the new data for the Tyrannis expansion.
Version 2.0.6
New feature
As announced some month ago, I've finally added a new feature to EWA which I call "Virtual characters" (VC). A VC is an
artifical character which let's you combine different real characters from your current EWA installation into a VC. Choosing
this VC from the character dropdown and working with it summarizes all transactions, journals etc. of the combined characters
on the fly (= your real character's data isn't touched and no additional data is generated) and displays it as if the data
was coming from one char.
What's this good for? Well, say you have for example one character who is your producer/inventor and purchases all materials
required to do his job from his personal wallet. These are the expenses of your business. You also have another character who
is your trader toon. This one sells all the stuff you built on the market, which is your revenue. The ISKs for the sales
flow into that toon's wallet. How do you know your profits with this setup? Up until now you had to open up transactions,
journals etc. for both characters in EWA and do the final math yourself (or export to a spreadsheet app or something alike).
With a VC, you now have it all in one place. Remember: a VC works just like a regular real character.
Anything you can do with those in EWA, you can do with a VC, too.
Item chart. If the item chart window is launched from an item's context menu, like the wallet transaction grid, the
"Date from" field will now be populated with the earliest transaction found for this item, instead of the
default 1899-12-31.
Quick briefing. The data points of the revenue chart were always a bit off of the date markers. This was due to the fact that
the <x> days were calculated exactly from the second the window was opened. This also meant that transactions prior to
that time were not included in both the grids and the chart. I have corrected this to start at midnight of the day.
EVE market info. Standard deviation from EVE Metrics has been added.
Database maintenance. Disallow database maintenance while the auto downloader is running.
Version 2.0.5
If there were no transactions of the specific type (buy, sell) within the defined time frame, the related "Top" chart
did show the control's default example pie chart. It now shows an empty canvas instead, which is a better visual indicator for
the fact that there aren't any values to show.
Options / API Key(s). I introduced a bug in v2.0.4 that prevented existing accounts from being edited. This has been fixed.
Version 2.0.4
Fixed a bug in the Quick briefing chart, where datapoints sometimes "traveled backwards" in time, resulting in
confusing charts. I told the offending points to never look back again, because onwards is the future.
The Quick briefing window received two new tabs showing your top buys and sells. The number of items and time frame can be
configured in Extras -> Options -> tab "Quick briefing".
(Most) Grids. I've added a "Copy" option to most of the grids, which lets you copy (right click -> Copy) the contents
of the grid's currently selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Columns are separated by a tab.
Along with the above, a new menu "Edit" has been added from which you can also copy the content of the marked grid
cells to the clipboard. It also provides a "Select all" function, saving your from manually marking the complete grid.
Export to Excel. All row colors (Totals) of the grids have been stripped from the Excel export. The Excel sheet now
appears in plain vanilla black & white.
Code optimisation using ADO prepared statements for saving data instead of hand-crafted SQL strings.
Overall internal code cleanup like getting rid off unused variables and the like.
Version 2.0.3
New feature
I've added something called "Quick briefing". This window provides a quick (sic!) general overview of your business
over the last couple of days. EWA can be configured to show this screen on startup. You are also able to configure the number of
(past) days to be shown here. Configure this in Extras -> Options -> tab Quick briefing.
Direct database query. The results from a query in Extras -> Database maintenance -> Direct database query may now be edited in the grid.
Be careful what you do there!
Wallet transactions. Similar to the previously added options to highlight different order states, an option has been added
to highlight wallet transactions in your personal wallet which you've done on behalf of your corp. Set the color in
Extras -> Options -> Appearance.
Wallet journal. A count of the entries for different wallet journal types has been added to the grid. (Cheers Red Frog O/)
Deletion of currently cached assets is now only done after a successful download from the assets API. Previously, if the
download failed, no assets were available to you until the next API download.
Version 2.0.2
Market orders (buy). the column "State" wasn't populated properly to reflect the state of the market order, it was
always empty. Filtering on the different states worked nonetheless. Fixed.
New feature
Along with this version of EWA, I'm releasing a little helper tool, called Auto data
downloader. You may optionally run this tool in the background. It's purpose is to automate your EVE API downloads.
If active, it permanently checks all your EWA chars for potential new API data (=cache time has expired) and downloads and
imports them to EWA, if necessary. It's a zero installation, zero configuration tool. Just download the EXE and run it. The
necessary configuration (like proxy server, downloading char/corp or both) is taken from EWA's configuration file.
Sorting. Finally I've figured out a way to allow you to sort the data in the different grids. You can do this either (as you'd
expect) by left clicking on a column header or by right clicking the grid and select the appropriate option off of the Sort by ...
context menu. The later lists you all currently availabe sort options for that window. Sorting is available for Assets, Market Orders,
Wallet Transactions and Wallet Journal.
Market orders. You may now customize the grid row background colors for active orders and expired/fullfilled orders. The color
can be set in Extras -> Options -> Appearance.
Assets. The columns Region and System have been moved in front of the column Quantity to allow for better merging and grouping.
Wallet transactions. An additional filter ISK has been added, allowing for filtering on item prices. Please note that the
initial filter condition, which is <> 0 (not equal to zero), doesn't actually filter something, but disables
filtering on item prices.
This version already includes preperations for adding "virtual characters" to EWA. A virtual character will allow you
to virtually combine existing characters into one character, adding together all data form all characters on the fly.
Version 2.0.0
Wallet transaction. The broker fees were not applied to purchase transactions, which is fixed now.
Market orders. All market orders were deleted prior retrieving new API data. If no new API data could be retrieved,
there were no market orders left which could be displayed. EWA now instead only deletes market orders where the Valid Thru date
is 3 month (90 days) in the past.
New feature
Basic charting has been added to EWA. The new charting option is available through the menu entry Wallet -> Item chart and
from the various right click popup menus. Currently only a few charting options are present (item price buy/sell/buy&sell over
time), but additional options will be added. Thi is also the reason for the change in the major version number, as a new component
needs to be distributed with EWA's installation.
Save grid to file. The proper file extension will now be appended, if the user didn't provide one with the file name.
Balance sheet (transactions). If activated in EWA's settings, broker fees and sales tax will now be taken into account in
this window, too. The columns Buy and Sell are left untouched and will still show the plain (sum of the) selected
item's/item group's price, but the Total column is calculated by taking broker fees and sales taxes into account.
Balance sheet (journal). The option "Market related only" has been added. If selected, the balance will be
drawn by taking only market related jorunal entries (broker fees, market escrow, market transaction, transaction tax) into
Database update. A command line option (/DBUpdateFromFile=<update database incl. full path>) has been added, to allow
a manual database update from file.
I've donated a +3 Memory Augmentation implant to the main account/character selection window. This enables it to now to remember
the currently selected account/character.
The amount of logging has been reduced.
Version 1.x
Version 1.3.8
Wallet journal. Due to the value of refID exceeding the (signed) long integer range, an error "Overflow" stopped EWA
from importing the wallet journals. This has been fixed.
New feature
Wallet transaction. EWA may now estimate sales taxes and broker fees about your transactions. This new feature was intended
for version 2, but made it in this release, due to the above bugfix. Have a look at the
manual(which also is
intended to be released with version 2 and therefore incomplete) to find out, how it works.
Item details. Two new rows have been added: Last Buy and Last Sell. Also, rows have been reordered to accomodate this change.
Start up logging. The text file logging taken place during start up has been modified to include the application's path, the
location of the configuration and database file and the (ADO) connection string used. This should help in resolving issues
where EWA doesn't seem to find its database on start up.
Version 1.3.7
Assets. Because of missing item values, some assets were not shown at all/before you fetched data from EVE Central or EVE Metrics.
This should be finally fixed now.
Custom database query. You may now save and load your queries (the query itself, not the result). It's now also possible to insert
a table/column name into the query editor by double clicking it.
Version 1.3.6
Market orders. The item group wasn't stored properly, when retrieving market orders. Because of this, the filter option
"Group" in the market order windows wasn't functioning correctly. This has been fixed.
Assets. A nasty bug prevented EWA from processing all retrieved data from EVE Central and EVE Metrics. Due to this, some
assets didn't show up at all in your assets list. Should be fixed now.
Data caching. Fixed the issue that not all EVE Central and EVE Metrics files were cached.
EWA data import/export. Exported personal wallet journals were incorrectly identified as corporation wallet journals, when
importing them back into EWA. Fixed.
Database maintenance: The default date for deleting old wallet journals and transactions now points to a date way in the past.
This is to prevent accidental deletion of these entries.
Version 1.3.5
New feature:
EWA now lets you import/export data from other EWA installations. The feature is located under File -> Export/Import EWA data.
This i.e. might be usefull for sharing corporation data between corp members or synchronize different EWA installations. Data might be
imported/exported to/from any character/corporation to any other (unrelated) character/corporation. The import takes care of
(potenial) duplicate entries.
Log files housekeeping: the deletion of older log files didn't work properly due to me failing in date math. This has been corrected.
Options/account management: All references to the Limited API key have finally been removed. They have never been used in EWA at all
and stem back from EWA's first days.
Along with this program update, a database update has been released, containing the Dominion expansion data. (Many thanks to CCP for
the ealy release of the static database dump, which they started with Apocrypha. This really makes life easier!)
Version 1.3.4
You now may delete old/obsolete market orders and assets from Extras -> Database maintenance -> Compact database.
These options will delete all stored market orders and assets. Both are always fully retrieved from the EVE API and EWA
doesn't do any historical tracking as of now. So, even if that data is gone for all of your characters with those options, you're
next API query will retrieve it again.
Similar to the possibility to delete a single wallet transaction/all wallet transactions currently displayed, identical
functions have been added to the wallet journal window.
Assets: There was still some debuging code in place, which caused XML files downloaded from EVE Metrics to be written to hard disk (root of drive D:).
These files were named EM1.XML, EM2.XML ... EM(n).XML. This has been fixed.
Balance sheet/journal: when there are no wallet journal entries present, trying to open Wallet -> Balance sheet -> By wallet journal
caused an error. This has been fixed.
Version 1.3.3
When no journal data for a corporation was returned by the API server, the application got stuck in an endless loop. This should
have been fixed in version 1.3.2 with the similar bug happening for personal journal data. I apologize for this oversight.
Version 1.3.2
New feature:
Extras -> Database maintenance -> Move data between characters. This window lets you move data from one charatcer to
another. This allows you to consolidate data, for example if you have one character doing the production (buying materials)
and another character does the selling of the produced goods. Having the data split across two characters renders most of
the statistics which EWA offers useless. This new feature should help you with that.
Extras -> Database maintenance -> Direct database queries. This is mostly for my own convenience. This window lets
you execute SQL queries against EWA's database. It provides you with an overview of the available tables, the columns in the
selected table and the datatype of the selected column. For your (and my) convenience, the EVE user, character and corporation
ID are shown for the currently selected character.
On startup, EWA logs some basic actions to text files prior to the database initialisation. In order to keep your machine
clean, EWA now deletes those log files which are older than fourteen days on startup.
For a long time, retrieving prices from EVE Metrics didn't work, because EWA was using outdated API calls. This has been
fixed. In addition and as a result of that fix, EVE Metrics is now another option for asset evaluation.
When no journal data for a character was returned by the API server, the application got stuck in an endless loop.
Version 1.3.1
The load time of the asset window has been vastly improved.
Asset values might be set manually. This is useful for items where no prices exist in EWA and EVE Central, because these
items can't be traded through the market (like those half dozen of Titans you keep laying around in your hangar).
Market buy and sell order. These windows have benefited from the loading time speed improvement, too.
More visual feedback has been added, when updating item values from the asset window. Due to the potential volume of
different items, downloading the necessary data from EVE Central might take some time. The progress window now tells
you this.
Version 1.3.0
New feature:
Assets. EWA is now capable of handling your assets and estimate your assets' worth by a variety of (average) prices. Refer
to posting #246 for a more detailed explanation.
Proxy server support. EWA may now be configured to use a (HTTP) proxy server.
Up until now, EWA's usage of EVE Central was very limited. You were be able to query one item per request to EVE Central's service.
Even if you really tried hard, you'd have a hard time to put any significant stress on EVE Central's servers this way. Putting assets
into the game, things have changed. Repeatedly hammering their servers for all your assets might have an impact. In order to play
nice with EVE Central, EWA now also caches queries to EVE Central (one hour).
EWA's full installation has grown by a whoping 10 MB (from ca. 7MB to 17MB) due to the fact that I have to include to additional
tables from CCP's static data dump. These tables are needed to correctly determine the location of each asset item.
Version 1.2.5
Wallet transactions/Wallet journal: The pop menu entries "Collapse all/Expand all" are only available if this feature has
been activated in the options screen.
Wallet transactions: Along side the long existing popup menu entry "Delete this transaction", a new option "Delete
all transactions in grid" has been added. This lets you delete a range of entries more easily than clicking through each single
transaction. Keep in mind: it only deletes all entries currently displayed in the grid. Nothing more, nothing less.
Market orders: Both market orders windows also benefit from the collapse/expand functionality. As with transactions and journals,
this feature can be activated/deactivated in the options screen under "Appearance".
To be in line with the behaviour of other windows, the DB record detail window (double clicking on an entry in a grid shows this one)
can now be closed by ESC, CTRL + F4 or CTRL + W.
Although you won't notice any difference right now, the procedure which checks for updates has been expanded to provide features
that might be needed in future releases.
I've gone through the complete code and removed old dead code from previous versions, which - although commented out - was still
Version 1.2.4
New feature:
Options: The options dialogue has been reworked. A new tab "Appearance" was added and some options previously located under
"Wallet" were relocated there.
Application: EWA can now be minimized to the system tray instead of the taskbar. This behaviour can be configured under
Extras -> Options -> Appearance.
Wallet transactions/Wallet journal: rows might now be collapsed/expanded. Two accompanying menu entries (Expand all, Collapse all)
have been added to the grid's context menu. This feature can be activated under Extras -> Options -> Appearance.
Version 1.2.3
Balance sheet (wallet transactions): The grid may now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. In addition, right clicking
on an item (group by single item) let's you open the Item Details window for that specific item.
(Almost) All windows: All windows now remember their positions, after they're closed.
Version 1.2.2
Wallet transactions: the column "Client" has been moved in front of "Quantity" and "Price" to allow
for better grouping results. Price and quantity have been added as additional sorting criteria when querying results from the
database. The sorting order is: item, client, price, quantity, transaction date.
Wallet transactions: the ability to open the (item) related buy/sell order window has been added to the popup menu.
Due to a misspelled entry, the option "Subtotal on customer in wallet transactions" wasn't read from the configuration properly.
Double clicking on certain column headers caused EWA to crash and exit.
Version 1.2.1
Date range selectors have been added to wallet transaction statistics. The column headers here have also been remodeled to
match the appearance of the other grids.
As EVE Central and EVE Metrics are sometimes unresponsive, timeouts were added to prevent EWA from waiting endless for a response.
Market oders: an additional column showing the state ("Active", "Fullfilled/Canceled") of a market order has been added, together
with an option to filter on this state.
Balance (transaction and journal). When selecting a "From" date with the keyboard and hitting <Enter> to gather the data,
the (internal) value of the date control didn't reflect the new date. Shifting the focus to the command button now
triggers the date's value change.
Version 1.2.0
New feature:
EWA lets you now retrieve and inspect your current market buy and sell orders.
To first time users (=no account created yet) of EWA, the options dialogue will be shown at start up, so that they may
immediately start to enter their API credentials. This should help them in getting started with EWA, as the place
to put in your credentials is somewhat "hidden".
Fixed a bug where program crashs happened, when the active window was a Wallet transactions window and a menu option
from the main menu was clicked.
Version 1.1.12
(Automatic) Updating general game data (outposts, reference types, etc.) after a database update would store the retrieved
data into the old database, not the newly installed one.
Fixed a bug where accessing the database maintenance caused a program crash, if other windows were already open.
The menu option File -> Save grid to file was not present for wallet transactions. This has been corrected.
Version 1.1.11
Version 1.1.10 intruduced a bug on a fresh install of EWA. An error occured when users tried to access the options screen to
enter their EVE User ID/API key/character details. This has been fixed.
Version 1.1.10
The character selection screen has been redesigned. This change now allows for the deletion of an old character, along
with his financial data.
No error logging was done during the startup process of EWA until it got the database up and running. In cases where an
error occured before this point, the user and I were left wondering what might have happened. EWA now starts off by writing
to a text file, than switches to its regular logging, as soon as the database is ready.
Another EVE market data service has opened his doors: EVE Metrics. (See also
this thread.). EWA retrieves
market data from EVE Metrics in addition to EVE Central.
Version 1.1.9
Trying to retrieve the Tranquility server status during an extended downtime resulted in an uncatched application error.
This has been fixed.
When a character switched to a different corp, the character's data (corporation name) wasn't updated properly, although
the new corporation was retrieved and displayed correctly in the character selection part of the options dialog. Attempting to
save the new corporation reset that character's data to his old corporation. This has been fixed.
Version 1.1.8
New feature:
The contents of all grids may now be saved to file either as tab delimited values or in Excel97 format. This can be done
by clicking "File -> Save grid to file" from the main menu. There's currently the glitch that the white foreground
color of the subtotal's captions in Excel becomes black, making it very hard to read (black on dark blue). I haven't
found an easy method to circumvent this yet. As of now, you have to live with it. Hint: create yourself a macro in Excel, which
changes these colors.
Sorting and grouping in the Wallet transactions and Wallet journals window has been optimized.
Trying to catch the situation when the application was terminated unexpected, but the a background process is still running.
Version 1.1.7
The wallet transactions and wallet journal windows have been enhanced by the addition of a comparison operator.
You may now select '=' (equals) or '<>' (doesn't equal) for your query. This lets you create queries like
Show all transactions in the region Sinq Laison except those in Dodixie.
Version 1.1.6
When transfering money from one corp wallet to another one, only the first transaction (withdrawal) was stored by EWA.
This was caused by the journal entries for both transactions sharing the same refID and time stamp. The second
journal entry was falsely identified as a duplicated entry and subsequently dismissed. This has been fixed.
Version 1.1.5
The character information window now updates itself (account balances, server status) periodically. In previous versions,
this data was only refreshed by either switching to another account and/or character or by switching between personal and corporation data.
When switiching to corporation mode, the corporation wallet names are now displayed instead of the default names "Wallet 1-7".
The Item details window's width can now be resized, too. In previous versions, only the height of the window could be resized.
Version 1.1.4
New feature:
Double clicking on an entry in the Wallet Transactions and Wallet Journal window will display a window with the
"raw" database record of this entry, as it was retrieved from the EVE API.
The column "Reason" has been added to the Wallet Journal grid.
After adding or deleting a new account, the dropdown boxes in the character window are now reflecting those changes.
Version 1.1.3
Several people have reported problems in retrieving corporate wallet data. As it is often the case for a developer, I wasn't
able to reproduce the problem. However, after reviewing the source code, it appears to be most likely might a timeout problem when
retrieving large amounts of wallet journal entries. I'm crossing my fingers here, that this cures the problem for those people.
After an attempt to streamline (sigh) the source code, item descriptions didn't load correctly.
Version 1.1.2
Certain wallet journal entries were not imported correctly for corporation wallet, if there was an equivalent entry in the character's
personal wallet, too. For example bounty prices from killing NPCs.
Version 1.1.1
After creating an account, characters for this account weren't retrieved from EVE API. This has been corrected.
Version 1.1.0
The Item Details window now includes median prices.
The Balance sheet by wallet journal omits empty journal entries, which results in a much more
streamlined table.
Updateing the journal reference types and outpost data from the EVE online API resulted in an database engine error.
This has been corrected.
When a new database update was available, the journal descriptions were not migrated, resulting in an empty Wallet Journal
window, if the journal descriptions weren't downloaded from EVE API. This has been fixed. Updateing the database will now
migrate this data. In addition, new data is downloaded from the EVE API automatically after the new database has been installed.
Version 1.0.9
New feature:
An overall summary balance has been added. This new feature is located under Wallet -> Balance sheet.
An option has been added to the application log window (Log -> Empty log) to clear all log entries.
The amount of logging has been reduced, resulting in a slight overall speed improvement.
Version 1.0.8
EWA now lets you compare your transactions with data from EVE Central.
This can either be done through the button EVE Central info in the Item Details window or by right
clicking on an item in the Wallet transactions window and choosing EVE Central info from the popup menu.
The additional accompanying database update includes the data for the Quantum Rise expansion.
Version 1.0.7
Wallet Transactions: Items purchased/sold at outposts weren't handled correctly, as outposts are
not included in the static station database provided by CCP. The list of outposts can now be
retrieved via Extras -> Update game data -> Outposts / Conquerable stations
(or All of the above). You should retrieve the outpost list as soon as possible and update it
from time to time.
Wallet Transactions: A transaction can now be deleted by right clicking on that transaction. The option
Item Details has been moved to this popup menu.
More feedback for the user has been added when EWA is downloading EVE API data, in order to inform the user about
what's happening. As always, feedback is shown in the statusbar (that's the panel at the bottom
of the main window) of the program.
Version 1.0.6
Wallet Transactions: Regardless of the actual value, amounts were always colored like positive values (blue),
if coloring was enabled.
Version 1.0.5
Wallet Transactions, Wallet Journal: You may now colorize positive (blue) and negative (red) amounts by activating the
appropriate setting in Extras -> Options -> register Wallet.
Version 1.0.4
Item details: Added new columns to show values from last month (the last 30 days) and last week (the last 7 days).
Item details: Renamed old rows "Average ..." to "Average .../Trans." to better show the source of these averages. These
averages are calculated on a per transaction basis. Added new rows "Average .../Item". The averages shown here are
calculated per item.
Version 1.0.3
Wallet journals were only retrieved for the first corporation wallet.
New feature:
Right clicking an item in the wallet transactions window will now open the
accompanying Item details window.
Total/subtotal on quantity: In Wallet transactions, now subtotals for quantity are shown as well.
Application update: when the update detects a new application version, the message presented to the user is rephrased
to make more clear what now will happen. Hovering the mouse over the update link now shows the real link. As a convenience,
the download link is also copied to the clipboard, in case the user wants to download the EXE himself.
Wallet journal: Some filters had no keyboard accelerators. Those were added.
Wallet transactions statistics: Allow the user to resize the columns.
Version 1.0.2
With an open Wallet transaction/journal/item details/statistics window, if account or character were
switched, filters didn't update correctly which could result in no data being displayed at all. Now any open window remembers with
which account/character it was opened and keeps those settings until it's closed, regardless to which account/character a user switched
after opening that window. The window's titlebar will now reflect this.
New feature:
Subtotal on customer. You now can choose to subtotal or not on customers when displaying wallet transactions. This can be configured under
Extras -> Options -> Wallet -> Subtotal on customer?. Disabling subtotal will save you one row per customer in the grid.
This way, if you typically only sell one unit of an item to a customer, the grid doesn't become so "polluted".
Full install package. You now can specify the storage location of the database during the setup.
Added options Solar system and Station to Wallet transactions statistics.
Version 1.0.1
The updater didn't work as intended in the sense that the version information file was never found. This was
caused by a strange restriction my hoster seem to have put on file extensions. Resorting to a standard file
extension (*.txt) instead of the previous one (*.version) cured that.
New feature:
Implemented some TOP x statistics. (Wallet -> Wallet transaction statistics)