Unfortunately the answer to this is no. During install time, an ActiveX component needs to be registered in order for EWA to work. The installation therefore needs to be done by an administrative user account. Once EWA is installed, a standard-priviliged user account is enough to use EWA.
I've written the installation with an installer pre-Windows 7/Vista, which now messes things up. In order for EWA to find its database, search for EVEWalletAware.ini in your "User" folder. Open it with an text editor, locate the section "Database" and edit the Data Source part of the connection string to point to the right location:
As for using EWA with Vista/Windows 7, this forum posting might help you.
NO, NO, NO! Never ever use your real EVE account name for any 3rd party tool. EWA's account name should help you identify which account you're currently using with EWA, in case you manage multiple accounts with it. It's something you make up yorself and you should not use your real EVE account name here. Use terms like "My trader" or "Corp accounting" or something similar. I, for example, simply use my character's name here.
First and most important, it does not send any personal data (API credentials, transactions, journal etc.) back to me.
There are two types of updates that might occur:The update process itself is pretty simple. The application first requests a version information. This comes in the form of a plain text file you could download with your browser yourself, if you're curious. It than compares the versions given there to the ones you currently have installed. It notifies you of newer versions available and lets you choose to download them. EWA will always ask you if you like to download and install an update. It never does any "behind your back automagic" update.
If you open up your wallet transaction or journal window and no data is displayed, but you are sure that data should be available, try the following: open the database maintenance by clicking Extras -> Database maintenace. Select the option Compact database.
Also, if you do business in 0.0 and data is missing, try updating EWA's game data, by selecting the menu option Extras -> Update game data -> Outposts / Conquerable stations (or All of the above).
Make also sure you're using the right API key (Full API key is required for EWA to work) and - in case of corporation data not showing - that your character has the appropriate rights to access corporation data. If you're not sure, ask a director or the CEO of your corporation, if your character has those rights (at least Junior Accountant required).
In contrast to other API data retrieved by EWA, your assets are not downloaded, if you hit the "Retrieve data from EVE API" button on the main screen. I've implemented it this way because of the long cache timer (24 hours) CCP put on the assets and the potentially huge amount of assets you do possess. This may lead to two situations:
All assets are missing. This situation happens, if you open the assets screen for the first time for a character/corporation. In this case, first click on the "Update assets from API" button. That will download your assets now. If EWA has finished to download your assets, click on the "Update item values" button. EWA assembles a list of your assets and queries EVE Central and EVE Metrics for current item values. Depending on how many different items you own, this may take quite some time, as each single item's value needs to be queried from those two sources. Remember, EVE Central and EVE Metrics are also run and maintained by fellow EVE players. This means that these web servers are most likely not load-balanced, multithreaded, clustered enterprise grade web servers. Be fair and be patiened!
Some assets seem to be missing. OK, you've retrieved your assets at least once. Now you did it again. But some items seem to be missing from your asset list. This may be due to the fact that you haven't had any of those items in your possession yet (while using EWA). Just do a item value update again and the missing items should be showing.
Yeah, I freely admit it: this is pretty counter-intuitive. Here's what you got to do in order to retrieve your charaters for your account:
Simply put: when retrieving characters for an account, this account needs to be the default account.
Here's a list of the APIs that are accessed by EWA and therefore need to be included in your API key in order for EWA to work properly. Visit for example wiki.eve-id.net to find out what data each APi reveals. Please note that not all API information requires authentification, i.e. ConquerableStationList.xml.aspx, which is the list of player-built outposts ("stations"), can be retrieved without an API key.
Each API listed below needs to be prefixed with https://api.eveonline.com, i.e. /account/APIKeyInfo.xml.aspx becomes https://api.eveonline.com/account/APIKeyInfo.xml.aspx
I'd like to point out that the first API listed, /account/AccountStatus.xml.aspx is the most delicate one. It reveals the following details about your EVE account: 1) the date until which the account is currently subscribed, 2) the date the account was created, 3) the number of times you logged into CCP's services (this includes not only the game logons but also forum logons, likely also EVEGate logons), 4) the amount of time you actually spent logged on in the game. Hover over your character's name on EWA's main screen to see where EWA uses this particular API.
EWA and EWAAutoData both maintain an error log. These logs help you and me to identify the source(s) of a problem, you might experience when using EWA. It should be your first task to check if there's something suspicious in those logs when EWA doesn't work as expected.
EWA itself either keeps its logs in the database (default setting). But in order to keep your database size reasonable, EWA can also be configured to resort to writing its logs to text files. The disadvantage of this is that the logs can't be viewed from EWA itself. Assuming you haven't changed your configuration, you can examine (and delete) EWA's log entries via "Extras -> Application log". For a detailed explanation, see EWA's manual.
In order to force EWA to use text files for logging purposes, you need to edit EWA's INI. To find out where EWA's INI is located, use "? -> Show locations". Open the INI with any text editor and put the following line under [General]:
If the entry LogType already exists, make sure its value is 1. Restart EWA and logging to text files is enabled. And while we're at the location where EWA's configuration is stored, please note a folder called "LOGS". That's the place EWA (and EWAAutoData) write their text logs to. Those files with a sole numerical file name (the date the file was created in the format yyyymmddhhnnss.txt) are EWA's logs, whereas EWAAutoData prefixes its files with "EWAAD".
Don't worry, EWA will not polute this folder with millions of files. EWA has a built-in autopurge, which deletes text log files older than 14 days.
Although I'm speaking of "error logs", not all entries are errors. If everything runs as expected, you still see a couple of entries, most of them are responses from the EVE API, stating something like xxx exhausted, Please retry after .... This is no error, but a warning/notification of the API about caching times.
What you should be watching out for are entries marked as Application Error. These shouldn't happen and although I tried my best to not let EWA simply crash, those errors most likely won't work as expected.
EWA is written in Visual Basic 6.0. Two accompanying DLLs (baDateTime.dll and snsCRC32.dll) are written in PB/WIN 8. As of now, it also uses a commercial 3rd party component, ComponentOne's VSFlexGrid. It also uses the freely available unRAR.dll. A component for decompressing RAR archives. EWA's database updates are distributed as a RAR archive, in order to save you download time.
In order to keep the installation to a minimum and as least invasive (to your system) as possible, I've choosen to use MS Access as the database. The core database enginge - ADO (sometimes also referred to as MDAC) - is a base component of the operating system since Windows 2000. Besides that, quite a lot of people know MS Access and thus can poke around in EWA's database for themselves.
First, a bit of background concerning the EVE API, as I understand it. The EVE API servers are not the same severs that run the actual game. Which means, data retrieved from the API doesn't come directly from the live servers. Instead, the API servers do much work like a web proxy server. They query the real servers from time to time for data, store the results and sent them back to applications like EVEWalletAware utilizing the API. For each API call (account balance, wallet journal etc.), CCP has established a caching time. You can't retrieve the same information twice (for the same character), before that caching time has expired. This was implemented to keep the workload on the API servers to a manageable amount.
This is all fine and good. Now, here comes the gotcha: That caching time is a global time. Once an application has queried a certain API, no other application is capable of querying the same information for the same character/account until the caching intervall has expired. Of course, EWA doesn't know that you just retrieved your wallet information using EVE-MEEP, for example. My personal opinion is that this was an oversight on CCP's part when designing the API. Nonetheless, we (3rd party developers and users) have to deal with it.
As it happens often in such situations, the community has tried to solve the issue by themselves. A few people have develop API proxies that you can run locally. One example of such a proxy can be found here: EVE API Caching Proxy (php), 0.2.1. EWA was developed with that in mind. EWA should work with this proxy. In order to do so, you need to change EWA's configuration to query that proxy instead of CCP's API server. Here's what to do:
[EVEApi] ; Base URL of EVE API web server. EVEApiBaseURL=https://api.eveonline.com